Brand Strategy and Brand Development Perth



Does your brand feel lack lustre or vanilla? Are you wondering why your business isn’t attracting your ideal customer or unsure of what to say that’s unique about your business?

How your brand presents and feels will do one of two things – it will either attract aligned customers or send them away.

An effective brand strategy enables you to create a roadmap and framework around your unique qualities that make you stand out and build an emotional connection to your audience.

What is brand strategy?

Your brand strategy defines what you stand for, a promise you make, and the personality you convey.

Brand strategy is the thinking on how you articulate your point of difference and how you want to be perceived in market.

We like to think of brand strategy as the invisible thread, behind the scenes, that structures what impression you want to make and how you want to be seen. What qualities you want to be known for, what personality you want to exude, what values drive your business and what’s your brand promise.

Read our blog on ‘What is Brand Strategy’ here.

Big brand experience without the price tag

We’re not a brand agency. We’re not an advertising agency. We’re a bit different.  We’re a brand consultancy with hands-on in-house brand strategy and marketing experience. 20 years in fact.

See, the difference between using Kate and a branding agency is that we don’t add pages and pages of warm and fuzzy fluff, we cut right to the chase, creating a compelling, meaningful and differentiated brand position.

Having led the brand development for many high-profile brands in Perth, as a in-house marketer, our director, Kate Wright, has seen ineffective brand strategies delivered time and time again, that cost thousands, by Perth’s biggest ad agencies (sorry agency peeps).

Our aim is to produce effective and practical strategies that align your business values, beliefs and unique strengths with your brand, meaning you attract new customers with ease. More importantly, our strategies are heart-led and emotive because at the end of the day, if you don’t emotionally engage your audience, you’ll struggle to convert them into paying customers.

 Brand Strategy & Brand Marketing Experience




If we got a dollar for every time we heard a CEO or business owner say 'I just want leads' we’d be moving to the Canary Islands.

Sales don't just land. Consumers engage first and need to fall in love. Unless you're a petrol station.

There are key steps in the customer purchase journey that takes consumers from awareness to purchase so it’s crucial to engage prospective customers with a heart-warming, emotive and powerful brand.

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 Imagine what your business would look like if you…..

  • Attracted new customers with ease, without pushing and hustling

  • Retained more of your existing customers, who become your loyal advocates

  • You and your team can confidently tell your prospects, in a nut shell, why they should choose your business over your competitors

  • Spent less money on lead generation and sales activity

  • Converted more prospects without the hard sell

  • Showed up consistently online, sharing your authentic brand voice and creating engaging content that your audience loves

What’s included in brand strategy development?

We offer different packages depending on whether you’re launching a new business, re-branding or expanding your business. Here’s what we cover:

  • Define your company’s differentiated and unique brand position

  • Develop your brand purpose - why you exist and what impact you want to have

  • Create an engaging brand promise and tagline that summarises what your business offers, that emotive and customer centric

  • Define your top brand personality traits and tone of voice

  • Curate your brand values and associations that you want to become known for

  • Review the competitor landscape to understand who’s leading the way and what

  • Undertake brand market research, if required and if budget permits, to understand current brand perceptions, key competitors, brand associations and awareness.

  • Develop key brand messages that can be used on your website, social media and marketing collateral that bring your strategy to life

 Why choose us for your brand strategy


20+ years brand experience

Heart-led, practical and no fluff approach

Brand strategy tertiary educator

Creative and critical thinking combined


Experience working with 13+ industries


 “Plump marketing worked collaboratively with me and considered the unique attributes of my business to ensure the brand strategy was perfectly right for my coaching. From the workshops to brand messaging and positioning, I cannot fault the service that was provided. Kate was highly response and intuitive on how she advised and facilitated an outcome that now means I am ready to launch my website and online presence with a clear and focused brand strategy. It is 100% worth the investment and I really enjoyed the process as well”

Upeka Fernando, Purpose-Led Coaching


Brand strategy development is for you if:

  • You want to continually attract and convert more customers with ease

  • You’re unsure what key selling points to promote in your marketing

  • Your brand lacks a warmth and a stand-our personality

  • You have a superior product or service but you’re losing business to your competitors

  • Your brand isn’t an authentic reflection of your business values, beliefs and vision

Brand strategy development is not for you if:

  • You’re a gun at promoting your unique selling points

  • You already invest time and resources into developing your brand

  • You have a constant flow of new customers who convert easily

  • Your brand is an authentic reflection of your vision, values and beliefs

  • You’re the go-to brand in your market with strong brand awareness

Hey, I’m Kate!


I combine my 20+ years in advertising, brand and customer acquisition marketing with my passion for helping and guiding business leaders make well informed marketing decisions and investments to help catapult your business growth.

Having a small business of my own I know how precious those marketing dollars are – you want your ad spend and marketing efforts to work and get results!

I know how overwhelming it can be choosing what channel to utilise or what marketing activity to focus on.

I collaborate with my clients to create effective strategies that are consumer insight-led and data driven with a strong focus on ROI.

I utilise my creative & analytical brain with my deep intuition to bring you a tailored solution that meets your business needs. No cookie cutters here!

Since leaving the corporate world, I’ve had the pleasure of working with many businesses across Australia, from tech start-ups to not-for-profits to national property developers.

Making your brand illuminate and business grow is our passion. Let’s have an impact together!

Hear what our clients have to say

Kate's approach to brand strategy and market positioning in a couple of words - thorough, honest, professional and on point. She helped us find the missing link in our business and gave us a clear path to pursue. Brilliant and talented! We would recommend her to anyone that feels they just aren't able to express what their product and company is about and where they are positioned in the market.


Dylan Smith, Director & Co-Founder, Growplay Monkey Bars

Kate cuts straight to the chase with a no fluff approach, which results in a fast, tangible outcome with recommendations that make practical sense!


Catherine Holzheimer, Head of Marketing, LWP Property Group

“A clear brand direction and unique positioning should be accessible and affordable for all businesses, not just big brands with mighty budgets”


Ignite your brand and fast track your business growth today!

Let’s chat all things brand! Book in a free 15 minute discovery call