Three key criteria for judging whether a new brand positioning is right for a business

How you position your brand in the market is one of the most important considerations of your brand strategy. Brand positioning is defined as the conceptual place you want to own in your target consumer's mind and it’s the reason consumers choose your brand over competitors. Your brand positioning highlights the key benefits you want consumers to recall when they think of your brand.

An effective brand positioning strategy will maximise your differentiation in the market, create stronger brand recall amongst your target market and enable stronger brand health, including increased brand awareness and brand consideration, which all lead to uplifts in sales and revenue.

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If you are in the stages of developing a new brand position, here are three key criteria for judging whether that brand position is right for your business:

  1. It must be believable

    Your new proposed brand positioning must already exist within the brand. It must reflect and reinforce the current culture and behaviour of staff and it must be seen to be something that brands 'could' say from the outside. Being authentic counts when it comes to developing compelling brands.

    Too often brands attempt to position themselves in a way they believe will interest customers, but in a way that is so far removed from the core of the brand, that it is simply not believable. And if it isn’t believable, consumers won’t be engaged and you’ve wasted your time and money.

  2. It must be differentiated

    There is little point in saying the same thing your competitors are. It is important your brand creates it's own distinct position within the category and stands out.

  3. It must be meaningful

    Your new brand positioning must be of genuine interest to consumers to drive brand preference and be aligned to their emotional needs. Connecting emotionally with your target audience is critical because consumers buy with their hearts, not their heads. They justify their purchases in a rational way but they get hooked in emotionally first.

If you’re in the process of developing a new brand positioning, don’t forget to consider these 3 key criteria. And if you’re looking for a Perth brand strategy consultant, whether you are based in WA or in other parts of Australia, get in touch. We’d love to help.


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